FREE Virtual Family Financial Literacy Workshop! Learn practical skills to take charge of your finances in our three part series. Attend all three sessions for a chance to win up to $75! This workshop is open to all EUSD families.
What is Financial Literacy? Financial Literacy is the ability to understand and manage household finances, budgeting and saving. This can ensure financial stability for your family and help you make informed decisions for a secure future.
Session #1:
Date: February 05, 2025
Time: 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Where: Virtually on Zoom- Meeting ID: 853 5675 6210
Today's Topic: The Basics of Personal Finances

Did you know EUSD has a food distribution program? Thanks to the generosity of Second Harvest of the Greater Stanislaus County, we’re able to provide fresh food to those who need it.
Where? Empire Elementary
When? 1st & 3rd Friday of every month
What time? 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (or until supplies last)
How does it work? It’s a drive-up service; just pull up to the front of the school, and we’ll be ready to assist you!
Want to volunteer? We’d love your help! Volunteers can arrive at 8:00 AM on distribution days to support this effort.
Our goal is to ensure that every family in our district has access to the food they need. We hope to see you there!

Featured in the Modesto Bee! Join our Free Family Financial Literacy Workshops! Last month, our Glick Middle School students attended the Bite of Reality event, where they faced real-world financial decisions and learned the challenges of balancing a budget. Now, you and your family can continue the conversation by joining our FREE virtual Financial Literacy Course! Learn practical skills to take charge of your finances in our three part series:. Check out our News Feed for more information!

Last month, our Glick Middle School students attended the Bite of Reality event, where they faced real-world financial decisions and learned the challenges of balancing a budget. This hands-on experiences, in partnership with Valley First Credit Union, Mocse Credit Union and our school district, helped students apply math and financial literacy skills in a meaningful way. Read the full Modesto Bee article here: https://www.modbee.com/news/local/education/article296682594.html

Are you on ParentSquare? Empire Union School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified. Check our our News Feed to learn about ParentSquare tools and tips!

Are you a English Language Learner? Learning Quest is partnering with our school district to offer FREE English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for adults! Improving your English skills can have a significant impact on your family, especially if you have students who are also English language learners. Childcare and all course materials are entirely FREE! Spaces are limited so call today to register!
For Spanish Speakers, contact: Adriana Jaquez- (209)606-6799
For Farsi Speakers, contact: Juliana Sargis- (209) 750-7228
For Russians Speakers, contact: Maria Lagoutotchkin- (209)222-6786

Head over to our News Feed to learn about how you can ensure a smooth transition back to school after Winter Break!

Head over to our News Feed to learn about free community events happening this month!

Stay connected and supported this winter break! Check out our News Feed to discover free resources for food, housing, mental health, family activities and more!

Check out these practical guides to help you manage screen time and set healthy boundaries with devices. These resources are designed to make life easier for you while helping your child build positive habits! Learn more by click our News Feed below.

We're thrilled to share that Empire Union School District is featured in the Modesto Bee... AGAIN! Not only was this recognized locally, but it was also highlighted statewide by the California School Board Association (CSBA).
This recognition reflects the hard work and dedication of our staff, students and families, as we continue working together to build a bright future. Check out the full article to see how we're planting seeds of success. 🌱
Read the full article here: https://bit.ly/3YaF7Fq

Creating a daily routine at home is essential for student success in school! Check out our News Feed below to download a free routine template and learn how you can support your child's success.

Exciting News! Learning Quest is partnering with Empire Union School District to offer FREE English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for adults! Check our News Feed article below for more details.

Prioritize your mental health and nurture your relationships with on-campus supports. Talk to a teacher to find out what programs are available on your campus.

Empire Union School District is featured in the Modesto Bee!
Check out our News Feed for the full article!

Consistent routines and strong connections put students on the path to success. #EveryDayCounts

Does your student have their school mandated immunization up-to-date? If not, check out our News Feed for more information on how to ensure your student's health and school readiness! Please remember that all students need to have their vaccinations up to date, prior to the first day of school.

Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year at the Empire Union School District. Our school sites are now open.

Exciting News! Empire Union School District is now on Instagram!
In our ongoing effort to keep our community connected and informed, we are excited to invite you to follow the Empire Union School District on Instagram! By following us, you’ll receive the latest updates, important announcements, and a glimpse into the exciting events and activities happening in our schools.
To follow us, simply scan the QR code below, or search for @empireunionsd on Instagram and hit the follow button. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing the wonderful stories and successes of our students and schools!

Attention Parents! Check our New Feed below for valuable information on community resources, including free school supplies, cooling zones and exciting summer activities. Stay informed and make the most of these opportunities!